Fi­nal­ly find the right em­ployees – wel­co­me to the job­walk

Germany’s lar­gest open-air job and care­er fair in Er­lan­gen, Jena, Re­gens­burg, Leip­zig

The job­walk is an in­no­va­ti­ve re­crui­ting for­mat that meets the cur­rent shorta­ge of skil­led workers and the chan­ging needs of po­ten­ti­al ap­pli­cants and job see­kers: In­s­tead of lu­ring can­di­da­tes to an ex­hi­bi­ti­on cen­ter or a stuffy tri­ple gym­na­si­um, at job­walk you meet your tar­get group whe­re they na­tu­ral­ly hang out: On a sum­mer Sa­tur­day in the he­art of the city cen­ter. Here you can fi­nal­ly find the right em­ployees. In a good mood, in a re­la­xed at­mo­sphe­re, with ice cream, cof­fee and – abo­ve all – at eye le­vel, em­ploy­ers and pro­s­pec­ti­ve em­ployees meet in a new for­mat at the job­walk. Thanks to our lar­ge-sca­le vi­si­tor ad­ver­ti­sing in the run-up to the event, over 75% of vi­si­tors come to the job­walk eit­her to find out about re­gio­nal job op­por­tu­ni­ties or to look spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for a new job. In ad­di­ti­on, we are the only event that re­a­ches the so-cal­led „la­tent job ch­an­gers“ to a si­gni­fi­cant ext­ent, with just over 20 per­cent of vi­si­tors who be­co­me awa­re of the event in the city by chan­ce. And quite a few peo­p­le who were not „ac­tual­ly“ loo­king for a job have spon­ta­neous­ly found a new em­ploy­er at the job­walk that suits them bet­ter.

Uni­que fee con­cept

In ad­di­ti­on, the job­walk of­fers its ex­hi­bi­tors a uni­que fee con­cept. Small, me­di­um-si­zed and craft en­ter­pri­ses can also af­ford to take part in job­walk, as the stand fee is ba­sed on the num­ber of em­ployees. No wa­te­ring can stand pri­ces ba­sed on the num­ber of squa­re me­ters, but an ad­apt­ed fee con­cept (see box on the right) that is ge­ared to the ex­hi­bi­tors‘ pos­si­bi­li­ties.

Fees ac­cor­ding to com­pa­ny size

job­walk care­er fairs have been held in Er­lan­gen sin­ce 2018, in Jena in 2019, in Re­gens­burg in 2022 and in Leip­zig in 2024. Here you can find the right em­ployees.

The date is al­ways on a Sa­tur­day in sum­mer.

As the or­ga­ni­zer, we bear the wea­ther risk – i.e. in the event of bad wea­ther, the event will not take place and our ex­hi­bi­tors will not re­cei­ve an in­voice.

Facts and fi­gu­res about the job­walk

Around 172,000 vi­si­tors have at­ten­ded our 14 events in Er­lan­gen (5), Jena (5), Re­gens­burg (3) and Leip­zig (1) to date and have had around 123,000 dis­cus­sions with a to­tal of 1,132 ex­hi­bi­tors. We sur­vey­ed just over 6,000 vi­si­tors du­ring the events: over half came with the spe­ci­fic in­ten­ti­on of loo­king for a new job, around a quar­ter each be­cau­se they wan­ted to find out about the re­gio­nal job mar­ket or be­cau­se they came across the job­walk by chan­ce. Just over a third of all vi­si­tors were in em­ploy­ment, 27 per­cent were stu­dents, fol­lo­wed in third place by school pu­pils (19 per­cent) and 11 per­cent were trai­nees. The ex­pec­ta­ti­ons of the events were met to a high de­gree by both vi­si­tors and ex­hi­bi­tors.

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