
Set­tings of AVADA -> Them­op­ti­ons -> Light­box do not work.

The­r­e­fo­re VC Pret­ty­Pho­to must be swit­ched off

Ac­ti­va­te the fol­lo­wing code via funktions.php … then the set­tings of AVADA work again.

For mo­di­fi­ca­ti­on of funktions.php the Plug­In„My Cus­tom Func­tions“ can be used.

!!! may­be other Plug­Ins or VC ele­ments are de­pen­dent on Pret­ty­Pho­to … then this way is coun­ter­pro­duc­ti­ve !!!

func­tion remove_vc_scripts(){ wp_enqueue_script(‚prettyphoto‘ ); wp_deregister_script(‚prettyphoto‘ ); } add_action( ‚wp_enqueue_scripts‘, ‚remove_vc_scripts‘, 100 );

[qu­form id=„1“ name=„Kontaktformular“ show_title=„0“ show_description=„0“]