
re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent of the­se pa­ges job­walk – Kar­rie­ree­vents
Gus­tav­stras­se 44
90762 Fürth
eMail: connect@​jobwalk.​city
Pho­ne +49.911.520 90 666
Ust​.ID​.Nr.: DE229255043 Pro­gramming: Res Me­dia – die In­ter­net­agen­tur für Word­Press in Augs­burg Rea­liza­ti­on of this web­site: FRIENDSMen­schen Mar­ken Me­di­en
Agen­cy for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, mar­ke­ting and ad­ver­ti­sing in Augs­burg
re­spon­si­ble for: Con­cept / De­sign / Pro­gramming / Word­Press Re­spon­si­ble ac­cor­ding to § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV: Pe­ter Bött­ger 1. con­tent of the on­line of­fer: The aut­hor as­su­mes no lia­bi­li­ty for the to­pi­cal­i­ty, cor­rect­ness, com­ple­ten­ess or qua­li­ty of the in­for­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded. Lia­bi­li­ty claims against the aut­hor re­la­ting to ma­te­ri­al or im­ma­te­ri­al da­ma­ge cau­sed by the use or non-use of the in­for­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded or by the use of in­cor­rect or in­com­ple­te in­for­ma­ti­on are fun­da­men­tal­ly ex­cluded, un­less the­re is evi­dence of wilful in­tent or gross ne­gli­gence on the part of the aut­hor. All of­fers are sub­ject to ch­an­ge and non-bin­ding. The aut­hor ex­press­ly re­ser­ves the right to ch­an­ge, sup­ple­ment or de­le­te parts of the pa­ges or the en­ti­re of­fer wi­t­hout pri­or no­ti­ce or to cea­se pu­bli­ca­ti­on tem­po­r­a­ri­ly or per­ma­nent­ly.

2. re­fe­ren­ces and links: In the case of di­rect or in­di­rect re­fe­ren­ces to ex­ter­nal web­sites („links“) that lie out­side the author’s area of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty, a lia­bi­li­ty ob­li­ga­ti­on would only come into force in the event that the aut­hor is awa­re of the con­tent and it would be tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble and re­asonable for him to pre­vent use in the event of il­le­gal con­tent. The aut­hor her­eby ex­press­ly de­cla­res that no il­le­gal con­tent was re­co­gnizable on the lin­ked pa­ges at the time the links were crea­ted. The aut­hor has no in­fluence whatsoe­ver on the cur­rent and fu­ture de­sign, con­tent or aut­hor­ship of the lin­ked pa­ges. The aut­hor the­r­e­fo­re ex­press­ly di­stances hims­elf from all con­tents of all lin­ked pa­ges that were ch­an­ged af­ter the link was crea­ted. This state­ment ap­pli­es to all links and re­fe­ren­ces set wi­thin the author’s own web­site as well as to third-par­ty ent­ries in guest books, dis­cus­sion fo­rums and mai­ling lists set up by the aut­hor. Lia­bi­li­ty for il­le­gal, in­cor­rect or in­com­ple­te con­tent and in par­ti­cu­lar for da­ma­ges re­sul­ting from the use or non-use of such in­for­ma­ti­on lies so­le­ly with the pro­vi­der of the page to which re­fe­rence is made, and not with the per­son who me­re­ly re­fers to the re­spec­ti­ve pu­bli­ca­ti­on via links. 3. co­py­right and trade­mark law: The aut­hor en­dea­vors to ob­ser­ve the co­py­rights of the gra­phics, sound do­cu­ments, vi­deo se­quen­ces and texts used in all pu­bli­ca­ti­ons, to use gra­phics, sound do­cu­ments, vi­deo se­quen­ces and texts crea­ted by hims­elf or to use li­cen­se-free gra­phics, sound do­cu­ments, vi­deo se­quen­ces and texts. All brands and trade­marks men­tio­ned on the web­site and pos­si­bly pro­tec­ted by third par­ties are sub­ject wi­t­hout rest­ric­tion to the pro­vi­si­ons of the ap­pli­ca­ble trade­mark law and the ow­ner­ship rights of the re­spec­ti­ve re­gis­tered ow­ners. The mere men­ti­on of a trade­mark does not im­ply that it is not pro­tec­ted by third-par­ty rights! The co­py­right for pu­blished ob­jects crea­ted by the aut­hor hims­elf re­mains so­le­ly with the aut­hor of the pa­ges. Any du­pli­ca­ti­on or use of ob­jects such as dia­grams, sounds or texts in other elec­tro­nic or prin­ted pu­bli­ca­ti­ons is not per­mit­ted wi­t­hout the author’s agree­ment. 4. data pro­tec­tion: If the op­por­tu­ni­ty for the in­put of per­so­nal or busi­ness data (email ad­dres­ses, name, ad­dres­ses) is gi­ven, the in­put of the­se data ta­kes place vol­un­t­a­ri­ly. The use and pay­ment of all of­fe­red ser­vices are per­mit­ted – if and so far tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble and re­asonable – wi­t­hout spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of any per­so­nal data or un­der spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of an­ony­mi­zed data or an ali­as. 5 Le­gal va­li­di­ty of this dis­clai­mer: This dis­clai­mer is to be re­gard­ed as part of the in­ter­net pu­bli­ca­ti­on which you were re­fer­red from. If sec­tions or in­di­vi­du­al terms of this state­ment are not le­gal or cor­rect, the con­tent or va­li­di­ty of the other parts re­main un­in­fluen­ced by this fact.