Medical assistants and automotive mechatronics technicians remain in 1st place

For the second time in a row, women concluded the most new training contracts in the dual vocational training system in the occupation of „medical assistant“. With 16,656 (2021: 17,154) new contracts, this occupation took first place in the „2022 ranking of training occupations by number of new contracts – women“ ahead of „office management assistant“ with 16,116 (2021: 16,725) new contracts. This is followed by „dental assistant“, „sales assistant“, „retail saleswoman“ and „industrial clerk“. In total, 42% of young women in these six occupations signed a new training contract in 2022. The top ten occupations in the ranking even account for 53% of all new female contracts. This is shown by evaluations by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) based on data from the BIBB survey of newly concluded training contracts as of 30.09.2022 in recognized dual training occupations in accordance with the Vocational Training Act (BBiG) and the Crafts Code (HwO). Among men, „motor vehicle mechatronics technician“ remains the undisputed leader. 20,295 (2021: 19,713) young men signed a new training contract in this occupation in 2022. Although the proportion of women among „motor vehicle mechatronics technicians“ is only 5.9 percent, the occupation has now risen to second place after „office management assistant“ in the cross-gender ranking of training occupations by new contracts, overtaking „salesperson“. The second most popular training occupation among young men remains „IT specialist“, followed by „electronics technician“ and „plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology“, which swapped places compared to the previous year. This is followed in the ranking for young men by the training occupations „salesperson“ and now „industrial mechanic“. The first six occupations account for 28 percent of all new training contracts concluded with men as of September 30, 2022. Specialists for restaurants and event catering are making huge gains again In the ranking of training occupations by new contracts overall, the newly classified training occupation of „specialist for restaurants and event catering“ (previously: restaurant specialist) made the biggest leap forward with 16 places among the occupations with the highest number of trainees. With 3,750 (2021: 1,944) new training contracts in 2022, the number of new contracts has almost doubled. One reason for this sharp increase is likely to be the removal of coronavirus restrictions in the hospitality industry. Source: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)