Gree­ting from Lord Ma­yor and pa­tron Dr. Flo­ri­an Ja­nik

Dear par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the Job­walk 2025,

It gi­ves me gre­at plea­su­re to wel­co­me you once again to this year’s Er­lan­gen Job­walk. As pa­tron of this im­portant event, I am de­ligh­ted that our city is once again be­co­ming a hub for ta­lent, care­ers and fu­ture pro­s­pects.

The Job­walk of­fers a won­derful op­por­tu­ni­ty to bring peo­p­le tog­e­ther with com­pa­nies and in­sti­tu­ti­ons that not only pro­vi­de jobs, but also vi­si­ons, ide­as and sus­tainable de­ve­lo­p­ments for Er­lan­gen and the re­gi­on. At a time when the world of work is chan­ging ra­pidly and we are fa­cing new chal­lenges, it is all the more im­portant to crea­te plat­forms whe­re job see­kers can find out about the va­rie­ty of lo­cal em­ploy­ers and in­tern­ship op­por­tu­ni­ties in an un­com­pli­ca­ted and free way, talk to them spon­ta­neous­ly and make in­iti­al cont­acts.

The Job­walk stands for en­coun­ters, di­ver­si­ty and per­so­nal ex­ch­an­ge – va­lues that make our city of Er­lan­gen so strong and vi­brant. I would like to thank all the com­pa­nies that pre­sent them­sel­ves here, as well as the or­ga­ni­zers and sup­port­ers who make this event pos­si­ble. Tog­e­ther, we are set­ting an ex­am­p­le for the in­no­va­ti­ve strength and team spi­rit that cha­rac­te­ri­ze Er­lan­gen.

I wish all par­ti­ci­pan­ts in­spi­ring dis­cus­sions, new care­er op­por­tu­ni­ties and much suc­cess for your fu­ture. Take ad­van­ta­ge of the op­por­tu­ni­ties of­fe­red to you here and dis­co­ver what ex­ci­ting pro­s­pects Er­lan­gen has in store for you.


Dr. Flo­ri­an Ja­nik
Lord Ma­yor

Ober­bür­ger­meis­ter Dr. Flo­ri­an Ja­nik, Schirm­herr