Greeting from patron Wilfried Röpke
On June 14, 2025, it’s once again time to „stroll and apply“ on Jena’s market square. I invite all companies from Jena and the region, from skilled trades to high-tech, to the „Jobwalk Jena“.
Take advantage of the 6th open-air careers fair as the perfect opportunity to talk to potential new trainees and employees in a relaxed atmosphere and present your wide range of offers, from internships to management positions.
The open-air fair with its informal atmosphere has established itself as a permanent event for careers and career starts. Every year, thousands of visitors come to get to know regional companies, have their career documents checked or have professional application photos taken.
Every year, around 100 companies take part in the market. As patron of the event, I wish all exhibiting companies and of course all visitors interesting discussions and encounters at Jobwalk Jena 2025. See you on June 14 on the market square in Jena! Yours, Wilfried Röpke
Managing Director Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Jena mbH