Gree­ting from Ma­yor and pa­tron Ger­trud Maltz-Schwarz­fi­scher

Dear vi­si­tors, wel­co­me to the fourth Job­walk on Neu­pf­arr­platz in Re­gens­burg! I am de­ligh­ted that in 2025 we will once again have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet in the he­art of our en­chan­ting old town at the open-air job fair. Du­ring a stroll th­rough the old town, ap­pli­cants will have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk to com­pa­nies from Re­gens­burg and the en­ti­re East Ba­va­ri­an re­gi­on in a re­la­xed at­mo­sphe­re. The va­rie­ty of jobs on of­fer is im­pres­si­ve: from in­tern­ships and app­ren­ti­ce­ships to start­ing a job af­ter gra­dua­ting or ta­king time out to ma­nage­ment po­si­ti­ons, all qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vels and age groups are ca­te­red for. School pu­pils in par­ti­cu­lar can use the job walk to find their bea­rings, get to know trai­ning and care­er op­por­tu­ni­ties in Re­gens­burg and ex­plo­re a wide ran­ge of pos­si­bi­li­ties, for ex­am­p­le for a school in­tern­ship. With its mix of glo­bal play­ers and strong me­di­um-si­zed com­pa­nies, Re­gens­burg of­fers a wide ran­ge of di­ver­se job op­por­tu­ni­ties. Crafts, in­dus­try, con­sul­ting firms, ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on, sci­ence, re­se­arch and many more are pre­sen­ted on Neu­pf­arr­platz, in the cen­ter of the World He­ri­ta­ge Site. As pa­tron, I cor­di­al­ly in­vi­te you to come by, en­joy the spe­cial at­mo­sphe­re and ac­tively shape your pro­fes­sio­nal fu­ture. Take the op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk to com­pa­nies, ask ques­ti­ons and find out about the wide ran­ge of care­er op­por­tu­ni­ties that Re­gens­burg and the en­ti­re East Ba­va­ri­an re­gi­on have to of­fer. I wish all ap­pli­cants and, of cour­se, espe­ci­al­ly the ex­hi­bi­ting com­pa­nies suc­cessful dis­cus­sions at the Job­walk and a plea­sant spring day in our beau­tiful old town. Yours, Ger­trud Maltz-Schwarz­fi­scher
Ma­yor of the City of Re­gens­burg

Ober­bür­ger­meis­te­rin Ger­trud Maltz-Schwarz­fi­scher Foto: Stadt Re­gens­burg, Ste­fan Ef­fen­hau­ser