No equip­ment? No pro­blem!

Here you will find an over­view of our stand equip­ment that we of­fer for hire for the job­walk. Stand equip­ment can be or­de­red via the cus­to­mer por­tal (shop/shopping/stand equip­ment). If you are loo­king for so­me­thing that is not of­fe­red in our cus­to­mer por­tal, plea­se cont­act us: By e‑mail at connect@​jobwalk.​city or by te­le­pho­ne on 0911 520 90 666. Plea­se note the or­der dead­line for stand equip­ment in your cus­to­mer por­tal. All pri­ces in­clude as­sem­bly and dis­mant­ling and do not in­clude VAT.

Over­view of stand equip­ment

Com­ple­te packa­ges

Sorglos 1 3x3

Care­free packa­ge I (3x3m)

With the care­free packa­ge, your ap­pearance at the job­walk will be a simp­le and re­la­xed suc­cess. The packa­ge con­sists of a pa­vi­li­on, high table(s), bar stool(s) and power con­nec­tion and is com­ple­te­ly set up and dis­mant­led by us. You only have to worry about your ap­pearance as an em­ploy­er, we take care of the rest.

Care­free packa­ge I (3x3m): Pa­vi­li­on (3 x 3m) in pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­ty incl. stand pro­tec­tion, 1 bar ta­ble, 3 bar stools, elec­tri­ci­ty, as­sem­bly and dis­mant­ling

Unit pri­ce: 395,00 €

Sorglos 2 6x3

Care­free packa­ge II (6x3m)

With the care­free packa­ge, your ap­pearance at the job­walk will be a simp­le and re­la­xed suc­cess. The packa­ge con­sists of a pa­vi­li­on, high table(s), bar stool(s) and power con­nec­tion and is com­ple­te­ly set up and dis­mant­led by us. You only have to worry about your ap­pearance as an em­ploy­er, we take care of the rest.

Care­free packa­ge II (6x3m): Pa­vi­li­on (6 x 3m) in pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­ty incl. stand pro­tec­tion, 2 bar ta­bles, 6 bar stools, elec­tri­ci­ty, as­sem­bly and dis­mant­ling

Unit pri­ce: 595,00 €

Sorglos 3 Marktschirm

Care­free packa­ge III

With the care­free packa­ge, your ap­pearance at the job­walk will be a simp­le and re­la­xed suc­cess. The packa­ge con­sists of a pa­vi­li­on, high table(s), bar stool(s) and power con­nec­tion and is com­ple­te­ly set up and dis­mant­led by us. You only have to worry about your ap­pearance as an em­ploy­er, we take care of the rest.

Care­free packa­ge III: Mar­ket um­brel­la (Ø 4m) in pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­ty incl. stand pro­tec­tion, 1 high ta­ble, 3 bar stools, elec­tri­ci­ty, as­sem­bly and dis­mant­ling

Unit pri­ce: 365,00 €

Pa­vi­li­ons & mar­ket um­brel­las

Pavillion 3x3

Pa­vi­li­on (3x3m)

The pro­fes­sio­nal-qua­li­ty pa­vi­li­on is as­sem­bled and dis­mant­led by our team. We se­cu­re your ex­hi­bi­ti­on pa­vi­li­on with weights against the wea­ther.

Pavillion 6x3

Pa­vi­li­on (6x3m)

The pro­fes­sio­nal-qua­li­ty pa­vi­li­on is as­sem­bled and dis­mant­led by our team. We se­cu­re your ex­hi­bi­ti­on pa­vi­li­on with weights against the wea­ther.


Mar­ket um­brel­la

The mar­ket um­brel­la can only be boo­ked in con­junc­tion with cor­ner stands. The mar­ket um­brel­la is se­cu­red against the wea­ther with an um­brel­la stand (ap­prox. 40 kg).

Ta­bles & coun­ters

Stehtisch Weiss

Bar ta­ble with co­ver

Height ap­prox. 110 cm, dia­me­ter ap­prox. 80 cm

Brueckentisch Hocker

Bridge ta­ble

Width ap­prox. 180 cm, height ap­prox. 105 cm, depth ap­prox. 69 cm (wi­t­hout bar stool)


Con­fe­rence ta­ble

Width ap­prox. 115 cm, height ap­prox. 73 cm, depth ap­prox. 47 cm

Theke Edelstahl Holzverkleidung

Stain­less steel coun­ter with wood pa­neling

Width ap­prox. 150 cm, depth ap­prox. 62 cm, height ap­prox. 123 cm

Theke Mit Branding

Stain­less steel coun­ter with bran­ding

Width ap­prox. 150 cm, depth ap­prox. 62 cm, height ap­prox. 123 cm, logo pro­duc­tion and ap­pli­ca­ti­on

Chairs & bar stools

Barhocker Neu

Bar stool

Height ap­prox. 80 cm, seat ap­prox. 36 cm


Fol­ding chair (me­tal), incl. seat cushion

Width ap­prox. 40 cm, height ap­prox. 45 cm, depth ap­prox. 40 cm

Fur­ther ac­cess­ories


Was­te gar­ba­ge can (40l)


Bro­chu­re stand (6 sto­rage com­part­ments)

TV Mit Staender

HDTV with stand (40/42″)

Power con­nec­tion (220V)

Tent ele­va­ti­on (ap­prox. 50 cm)