The la­bor mar­ket is still buz­zing!

Wo sind Sie denn? Dax-Kon­zer­ne, klein- und mit­tel­stän­di­sche Un­ter­neh­men, Start­ups und Hand­werks­be­trie­be – sie alle sind auf der Su­che nach Mit­ar­bei­te­rin­nen und Mit­ar­bei­tern. Im Ja­nu­ar 2023 ha­ben die Dax-Kon­zer­ne laut der Stel­len­bör­se in­de­ed 27.263 Stel­len aus­ge­schrie­ben. Im Ja­nu­ar 2022 wa­ren es noch 24.313. Das ist eine Zu­nah­me um 2.950 Po­si­tio­nen oder zwölf Pro­zent.

An­yo­ne who thought that the la­bor mar­ket would col­lap­se at some point due to the num­e­rous eco­no­mic chal­lenges is be­ing pro­ven wrong month af­ter month. This is shown by the fi­gu­res from the Fe­de­ral Em­ploy­ment Agen­cy and in­de­ed. In​de​ed​.com re­gu­lar­ly eva­lua­tes the num­ber of job ad­ver­ti­se­ments from Ger­man DAX com­pa­nies for the Han­dels­blatt. It is true that they have fal­len slight­ly com­pared to the end of the year. Ho­we­ver, this is a nor­mal sea­so­nal de­ve­lo­p­ment that we ob­ser­ve every year. The bot­tom line is that we are start­ing the new year at a hig­her le­vel than 12 months ago! It is a po­si­ti­ve sign that the lar­gest Ger­man com­pa­nies are con­ti­nuing to hire stron­gly. Of cour­se, the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on with in­fla­ti­on and the en­er­gy cri­sis is gi­ving pau­se for thought and is ma­king some com­pa­nies re­luc­tant to hire new staff. This also me­ans that com­pe­ti­ti­on for new em­ployees will be­co­me even more in­ten­se in 2023.