The num­ber of va­can­ci­es is ri­sing and ri­sing

Hand­wer­ker in Bay­ern: Das war im ers­ten Halb­jahr 2022 die am meis­ten ge­such­te Be­rufs­grup­pe. Im Hand­werk wur­den in die­sem Zeit­raum rund 1,2 Mil­lio­nen Stel­len­an­ge­bo­te ver­öf­fent­licht, eben­so vie­le of­fe­ne Po­si­tio­nen gab es in Bay­ern.

From Ja­nu­ary to June 2022, em­ploy­ers across Ger­ma­ny ad­ver­ti­sed over 5.4 mil­li­on jobs – an in­crease of 14 per­cent com­pared to the first six months of the pre-co­ro­na­vi­rus year 2019. In the first half of 2021, the num­ber of jobs on of­fer was 4.1 mil­li­on, ac­cor­ding to In­dex Re­se­arch.

The Ger­man job mar­ket is boo­ming. Not even be­fo­re the pan­de­mic were as many jobs ad­ver­ti­sed as in the first six months of 2022. Em­ploy­ers are ad­ver­ti­sing bet­ween 1.2 and 1.4 po­si­ti­ons every month. This was the re­sult of a job mar­ket ana­ly­sis by In­dex Re­se­arch, which ana­ly­zed job ad­ver­ti­se­ments pu­blished in 249 print me­dia, on 349 on­line job ex­ch­an­ges and 136,000 com­pa­ny web­sites as well as on the job por­tal of the Fe­de­ral Em­ploy­ment Agen­cy.

Job ad­ver­ti­se­ments by in­dus­try

Across Ger­ma­ny, the re­tail sec­tor ad­ver­ti­sed the most jobs in the first half of 2022 with al­most 829,000 po­si­ti­ons, fol­lo­wed by in­dus­try (al­most 772,000 po­si­ti­ons) and the ICT sec­tor (al­most 500,000 po­si­ti­ons). Ho­we­ver, the lar­gest num­ber of job ad­ver­ti­se­ments came from the per­son­nel ser­vices sec­tor. Per­son­nel ser­vice com­pa­nies pu­blished over two mil­li­on job of­fers for their cli­ents and for their own ranks.

Va­can­ci­es by pro­fes­si­on

In terms of job pro­files, most va­can­ci­es from Ja­nu­ary to June 2022 were ai­med at skil­led workers wi­t­hout desk jobs: al­most 1.2 mil­li­on va­can­ci­es were pu­blished for con­s­truc­tion workers and trade­speo­p­le. Tech­ni­cal spe­cia­lists such as en­gi­neers and ar­chi­tects were in se­cond place with around one mil­li­on va­can­ci­es. In third place are sa­les staff, for whom al­most 886,000 va­can­ci­es were coun­ted.

Re­gi­ons with the grea­test need for skil­led workers

In the first half of 2022, the most ad­ver­ti­sed po­si­ti­ons were in North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia (over 1.2 mil­li­on po­si­ti­ons), Ba­va­ria (al­most 1.2 mil­li­on po­si­ti­ons) and Ba­den-Würt­tem­berg (over 984,000 po­si­ti­ons). In the city ran­king, Ber­lin (over 436,000 po­si­ti­ons) was at the top, well ahead of Mu­nich (al­most 280,000 po­si­ti­ons) and Ham­burg (more than 255,000 po­si­ti­ons).

Job mar­ket: More and more ap­pli­cants can­cel their ap­pli­ca­ti­ons

In the cur­rent job mar­ket, em­ployees are in­cre­asing­ly be­ing gi­ven a choice – and more and more are de­ci­ding against an em­ploy­ment con­tract af­ter a job in­ter­view. Ac­cor­ding to a sur­vey con­duc­ted by the Re­spon­di mar­ket re­se­arch in­sti­tu­te on be­half of the Kö­nig­stei­ner Group, more ap­pli­cants are now tur­ning down job of­fers than vice ver­sa. The re­jec­tion of­ten ta­kes place af­ter the in­ter­view or af­ter the com­pa­ny has sub­mit­ted an of­fer that is re­a­dy to be si­gned. Fe­wer peo­p­le ter­mi­na­ted the ap­pli­ca­ti­on pro­cess be­fo­re the sche­du­led in­ter­view. Ho­we­ver, the­se re­sults are not uni­ver­sal­ly va­lid: 1,000 peo­p­le who had been in the ap­pli­ca­ti­on pro­cess in the past th­ree ye­ars were sur­vey­ed. All par­ti­ci­pan­ts were em­ploy­ed at the time of the sur­vey: 81 per­cent full-time, 19 per­cent part-time. Peo­p­le just en­te­ring the la­bor mar­ket and job see­kers were not in­cluded in the sur­vey­ed group Source: hau​fe​.de