What ex­hi­bi­tors and vi­si­tors say about the job­walk

„I can’t ap­p­ly to a com­pa­ny I don’t know! Wel­co­me to Germany’s big­gest open-air job fair.

3rd job­walk Re­gens­burg (May 04, 2024)

5th job­walk Er­lan­gen (June 15, 2024)

2nd job­walk Re­gens­burg (30.09.2023)

4th job­walk Er­lan­gen (June 17, 2023)

1st job­walk Re­gens­burg (July 23, 2022)

3rd job­walk Er­lan­gen (June 25, 2022)

2nd job­walk Er­lan­gen (May 18, 2019)

1st job­walk Er­lan­gen (June 16, 2018)

In­ter­view with Dr. Flo­ri­an Ja­nik, Lord Ma­yor of the City of Er­lan­gen

Ex­pert dis­cus­sion on the to­pic of the la­bor mar­ket with Kon­rad Beu­gel, Eco­no­mic Of­fi­cer of the City of Er­lan­gen

Ex­pert dis­cus­sion on the la­bor mar­ket with Dr. Tho­mas Nitz­sche, Lord Ma­yor of the City of Jena

1st job­walk Leip­zig (Au­gust 24, 2024)

5th job­walk Jena (June 08, 2024)

4th job­walk Jena (June 3, 2023)

3rd job­walk Jena (July 9, 2022)

2nd job­walk Jena (Sep­tem­ber 25, 2021)

1st job­walk Jena (June 22, 2019)

In­ter­view with Dr. Tho­mas Nitz­sche, Lord Ma­yor of the City of Jena

TV com­mer­cial for the Re­gens­burg 2022 job­walk

The Jena 2022 job­walk on Jena TV

The job­walk Jena 2019 on Jena TV