Wide range of additional offers for visitors
The jobwalk is much more than just a job and career fair. At jobwalk, visitors will find free job-related services. Together with our partners, we offer a free application photo shoot, an up-to-date application portfolio check, where you can have your documents checked and updated, and advice on qualification opportunities. These measures round off our offer for visitors, who can not only find out about entry-level and job opportunities from our numerous exhibitors, but also find a comprehensive range of free services that can significantly improve their chances of success when applying.
Job application photo shoot
No matter where you are in your life, whether you are looking for an apprenticeship, want to apply for a new challenge, are planning your career entry or want to apply for a managerial position, a meaningful application photo makes a massive contribution to the first impression and should convey you and your personality as authentically as possible. Our experienced photographers on the jobwalk set know very well how to present you genuinely and authentically in order to convey a good visual image of you to your future employer. We will present you according to your type and your future career aspirations – all free of charge at jobwalk, of course. Just drop by spontaneously and let the jobwalk show you in the right light. And even though there is no dress code at the jobwalk and we are all more relaxed than formal, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to bring some clothes for the photo shoot that match your overall presentation for the job you are aiming for.

Application portfolio check
What great guides there are on the internet. They all tell you what an ideal application should look like, what content you need and the best way to present your CV. Some websites even offer free templates for your application documents, which you „only“ have to adapt. At jobwalk, you can have your drafts put through their paces by real professionals. No platitudes and the sensational information that your CV starts with the most recent stage of your life, but individual advice that takes your life and your personality into account. Of course, this service is also free of charge for our jobwalk visitors. We won’t send you home with a few empty statements, where you’ll have to start pondering again. Our consultants will give you a few brief and concise tips on how to prepare your application documents professionally. Taking your history and personality into account, of course.
Training and qualification advice
Visitors to the jobwalk can also take advantage of free further training advice. Various local providers offer initial meetings to provide information about concepts for further vocational training and then follow up these initial contacts with individual appointments. Hey, have you ever thought about how you can expand or develop your skills and talents in your working life through further training? Do you find it difficult to navigate the dense jungle of professional development opportunities? Are you wondering whether further training is even financially feasible for you? Then you’ve come to the right place! Just drop by for a personal training speed coaching session and together we will find a way to guide you through the jungle!