The big open-air care­er fair for Er­lan­gen on May 24, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Schloß­platz

Vi­si­tor ma­gnet Joball around 800 job of­fers on 50 squa­re me­ters.

Can you think of more than five com­pa­nies in the re­gi­on that you would con­sider as po­ten­ti­al em­ploy­ers? No? We should ur­gen­tly ch­an­ge this at the Er­lan­gen job­walk. To make sure that you know much more than five com­pa­nies in the fu­ture, we cor­di­al­ly in­vi­te you to the 6th job­walk Er­lan­gen, Germany’s lar­gest open-air job and care­er fair on May 24, 2025.

One of the lar­gest job fairs in Ger­ma­ny? And that in Er­lan­gen? Yes, we bring around 100 at­trac­ti­ve em­ploy­ers to Erlangen’s city cen­ter for a day and trans­form Schloß­platz into a lar­ge out­door ap­pli­ca­ti­on plat­form. This is the job­walk Er­lan­gen!

Whe­ther you are loo­king for a job or just want to find out more, bet­ween a Sa­tur­day stroll and an ear­ly sum­mer shop­ping tour, you have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know each other in a re­la­xed at­mo­sphe­re, ex­ch­an­ge ide­as and, in the best case, find a new job, an app­ren­ti­ce­ship or an in­tern­ship.

We bring com­pa­nies from all sec­tors and of all si­zes to the city cen­ter so that the­re is so­me­thing for ever­yo­ne. So the jobs here are not just li­te­ral­ly on the street.

The cen­tral con­cern is cle­ar­ly to bring in­te­res­ted par­ties and com­pa­nies tog­e­ther wi­t­hout the pres­su­re of a job in­ter­view. Pull out the red mar­ker and re­ser­ve the day: Sa­tur­day, May 24, 2025. We look for­ward to see­ing you!

The ex­hi­bi­tor and stand plan over­view for job­walk Er­lan­gen 2025

The stand plan for the Er­lan­gen job­walk.

You will find the par­ti­ci­pa­ting com­pa­nies and their stand num­bers in the list of ex­hi­bi­tors. You can find out in ad­van­ce whe­re to find the com­pa­nies on the stand plan.